Emergency food myths busted: The real facts about long-term food storage

Emergency food myths busted: The real facts about long-term food storage

These days, health should be a top priority for everyone. With the alarming rise in obesity rates and the prevalence of other chronic diseases seen in many countries around the world, including the United States, many people are finally waking up and seeking ways to improve their diets and lifestyles.

For many, the internet is a source of wisdom and education, with many articles dispensing information about diet trends, health foods, exotic superfoods and nutrition tips from experts (and frauds alike) that claim to help one “adopt a healthier lifestyle.” While some advice offers truths to be heeded, some is entirely false, with misconceptions that should be taken with a grain of salt.

Take for instance some myths about certain foods and nutrition. Many people believe that foods that contain high amounts of fat have no place in a healthy diet. [1] But the truth is that fat is an important macronutrient that your body needs – just as long it is in moderation.

In fact, fat plays many important roles, such as helping maintain healthy cells and tissues, supporting optimal brain and nerve function, and aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. [2] There are four different types of fat that you can get from food, each of which has a chemical structure and physical properties that are uniquely its own.

If you’re a prepper considering what foods to stock up on, you don’t need to keep fatty foods off your list – just choose the right kinds of food with the right types of fat. After all, fat is more energy-dense than carbohydrates and proteins, making foods rich in healthy fats some of the best energizing foods to add to your stockpile.

Here’s another myth that could lead preppers astray and make them discount foods that actually make excellent survival foods: “Plant-based foods can’t give you enough protein.” Protein is a macronutrient that helps keep you feeling full for longer, which makes protein-rich foods such great emergency foods. 

But unlike animal-based foods, which are complete proteins, most plant-based foods can’t give you all the essential amino acids your body needs, hence the belief that they’re not good protein sources. [3] But if you stock up on a variety of plant-based foods, you’ll find that getting all the protein you need is easy.

Many plant-based foods are also considerably more nutritious than animal-based foods, so you’re not just meeting your protein needs when you eat plenty of greens, you’re also satisfying your daily nutritional needs. Plant-based foods also contain plenty of antioxidants that can support good overall health. [4] What’s more, they’re considerably less pricey than meat, so opting for more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains is lighter on your pocket.

Now you may be thinking, “Doesn’t fresh produce spoil quickly? So why should I try to store it for emergencies if it doesn’t last in storage?” If you’re worried about storability, you can either freeze produce yourself, ferment it or buy freeze-dried foods. Freeze-dried foods are guaranteed to last for years, so long as you keep them in airtight containers and store them in a cool, dry place away from heat or sunlight.

Now here’s a common myth about frozen or freeze-dried foods: “They’re not as nutritious as their fresh counterparts.” But the truth is, the freeze-drying method was designed to allow foods to retain as many nutrients as possible while extending their shelf life. According to studies, freeze-dried foods contain as much as 97% of their original nutrient content. This includes beneficial components like antioxidants and other phytochemicals! [5]

So don’t shy away from investing in freeze-dried foods for your emergency stockpile. Aside from being just as nutritious as when they were fresh, they also come in containers meant for long-term storage. Freeze-dried foods can also be easily reconstituted by soaking them in water. They’re great emergency foods that can easily be transported and incorporated into meals.

Aside from protein and essential vitamins and minerals, you need fiber in your diet. Fiber is important for supporting healthy digestion and can support bowel regularity. [6] Fiber can also feed the good microbes in your gut, of which you need a healthy population to maintain optimal health and wellness. Studies show that a healthy intestinal microflora is linked to a stronger immune system, better brain function, enhanced nutrient absorption and improved overall well-being. [7]

To get plenty of fiber from foods, you need grains in your stockpile. Grains can last for years when stored properly in high-quality, air-tight containers. They are also rich in essential nutrients and contain copious amounts of dietary fiber. But not just any grain will do – to enjoy their full nutritional benefits, make sure that what you’re stockpiling are whole grains.

One common myth about grains is that “multigrains are just as nutritious as whole grains.” But this is not always the case. [8] Multigrains only get to boast nutrient density when they’re made of whole grains. Whole grains are the most nutritious type of grains because all three parts of their kernels – namely, the fiber-rich bran, the nutrient-rich germ and the starch-filled endosperm – remain intact after processing. [9]

In contrast, multigrains are often comprised of different refined grains whose bran and germ have been removed, leaving them devoid of nutrients. So while foods like bread may sound healthier when labeled as “multigrain,” you cannot be sure of their nutritional value unless they are made with 100% whole grains. Whether you’re purchasing multigrain foods or raw grains for bulk storage, always choose whole grains – the most nutritious option.

6 Types of Emergency Foods you should stock up on

 When filling your emergency food pantry, there are plenty of things you should consider: In addition to having enough storage space, your food supply should be nutritious, storable, filling, energizing and versatile. That way, when SHTF, you can rest assured that you and your family can survive for a long time and that the foods in your stockpile can keep you all healthy, well-nourished and ready to take on whatever comes your way.  

To ensure this, here are the six types of food you should have in your emergency food pantry:

 Shelf-stable foods

Emergency foods need not only be nutrient-rich, but they also have to stay edible for as long as possible. That’s why canned and/or freeze-dried foods are most preppers’ go-to foods when stocking up their pantries. Freeze-dried foods, in particular, boast not only incredibly long shelf lives but also maximum nutrition and great versatility.

Freeze-dried foods are the best option for preppers who wish to store large quantities of their favorite fruits, vegetables and other pantry essentials without worrying about food spoilage. For clean, lab-verified, freeze-dried superfoods, check out the Health Ranger Store’s extensive collection of Long-term Storable Foods for your emergency stockpile.

Our organic emergency storable foods come in #10 cans or sturdy mega or mini buckets for your convenience. These emergency foods are all vegan, non-GMO, certified Kosher and organic, and thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology to ensure your safety.

 Filling foods

Preppers understand that when disaster strikes, food can get scarce and there’s no guarantee that things will quickly return to normal, which is why they prepare for long-term survival scenarios. Wise preppers also know that to maximize their food supply, stocking up on filling foods is the way to go.

Filling foods are foods that contain high amounts of fiber and protein – macronutrients that can leave you feeling full for longer. These foods can naturally curb your appetite and reduce your food intake which, during emergencies, could help you stretch your food supply out. Fiber-rich foods can also support good overall health – a definite advantage in survival situations.

The Health Ranger Store offers a wide selection of fiber-rich whole grains for bulk storage. Choose from our certified organic and lab-verified offerings, including Mega Bucket Organic Millet, Mega Bucket Organic Hard Red Wheat Berries, Mega Bucket Organic Long Grain Brown Rice and Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Corn in #10 cans.

We also offer a variety of superfoods that are rich in plant-based protein. Aside from promoting satiety, protein from food is also broken down by the body into smaller units called amino acids, which are used to make enzymes and hormones and repair bones and muscles. [10] Not only are protein-rich foods filling, but they also support optimal physical performance, making them perfect sources of sustenance for your body in times of need.

Choose from Mega Bucket Organic Quinoa, Mega Bucket Organic Adzuki Beans, Mega Bucket Organic Amaranth, Mega Bucket Organic Red Lentils and Mega Bucket Organic Black Eyed Peas for the plant protein source that best suits your needs. These superfoods are also brimming with other essential nutrients and dietary fiber to help you maintain optimal nutrition.

Our fiber-rich whole grains and plant-based protein sources are all carefully cultivated under strict organic standards by our trusted growers. They are non-GMO, non-China, certified Kosher and thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

 Energizing foods

Another type of food that you should have in your emergency stockpile is energy-giving foods. Because fat contains more calories than any other macronutrient, foods with high amounts of fat are the best source of energy for your body. But remember, since not all fats are made equal, you should be picky about the types of fat you consume.

If you’re looking for healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, organic nuts and seeds are the foods for you. Despite their small size, these superfoods boast high amounts of many other nutrients in addition to omega fatty acids, making them valuable additions to every prepper’s emergency food stockpile.

The Health Ranger Store offers plenty of energy-dense foods to help keep you going when disaster strikes. Snack on these delicious organic superfoods or incorporate them into delicious recipes for a sizeable dose of healthy fats: Mega Bucket Organic Brown Flaxseed, Mini Bucket Organic Black Chia Seeds, Mini Buckets Organic Trail Mix – Ginger and Banana (contains walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds and coconut flakes and chips), Mini Buckets Organic Trail Mix – Raisins & Nuts (contains walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and coconut flakes and chips), Mini Bucket Organic Almonds and Organic Macadamia Nuts (Unsalted & Whole Kernels) in #10 cans.

Delicious and nutritious, these energizing emergency foods are made with ultra-clean and lab-verified ingredients. They are also non-GMO, non-China, plant-based, certified Kosher and organic, and meticulously lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

 Versatile foods

Versatile foods are foods that you can use in a variety of ways in the kitchen and even outside of it. These include sweeteners (e.g., sugar, honey), seasonings (e.g., spices, salt, etc.), condiments (e.g., vinegar, miso, etc.) and many other commonly used ingredients, such as food-grade essential oils, butter, heavy cream and milk.

Because many of these versatile ingredients don’t have very long shelf lives, it’s much better to get them in powder form for long-term storage. The Health Ranger Store offers many versatile foods in convenient shelf-stable formats. Available in #10 cans, these storable foods retain most of their original nutrition and are easy to incorporate into various recipes.

Enjoy the nutritional benefits of these versatile emergency foods by letting them enhance your meals or using them on their own to make delicious spreads, soups and beverages: Health Ranger Select Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, Health Ranger Select Organic Butter Powder, Health Ranger Select Organic Maple Sugar Powder, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Yellow Miso and Red Miso Powder, Health Ranger Select Organic Non-Fat Milk Powder and Health Ranger Select Organic Heavy Cream Powder.

Made with high-quality ingredients, these premium products are all vegan, gluten-free, China-free, non-GMO, certified Kosher and organic, and thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

 Comfort/stress foods

In times of difficulty and chaos, comfort foods or drinks can help put your mind at ease. They can also serve as effective morale boosters that can lift your spirits when you’re feeling down or in despair. [11] This is why you should not forget to add some of your favorite comfort foods to your emergency food supply – provided, of course, that they can last awhile in storage.

Surprise your family and put them in a good mood when the going gets tough with a classic favorite such as Mega Buckets Organic Yellow Popcorn Kernels paired with our delicious Health Ranger Select Organic White Cheddar Powder. Or you can brighten their day with our Mini Bucket Organic Blueberry Vanilla Pancake Mix or serve them our Organic Creamy, Buttery and Cheesy Mashed Potatoes for a satisfying and energizing lunch.

You can also let them start their day right with Health Ranger Select Fair Trade Organic Freeze-Dried Instant Coffee, a flavorful medium roast coffee that you can easily rehydrate by adding water. If you’re after light but nutritious snacks, we also offer a wide selection of freeze-dried fruits, such as Groovy Bee® Organic Freeze-Dried Strawberry Slices, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Raspberries, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Blueberries, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Mango, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Banana, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Apples and Groovy Bee® Freeze-Dried Organic Pineapple Wedges.

If you’re worried about storage space, you can opt for our Groovy Bee® Organic Freeze-Dried Crunchy Munchies which feature three tasty fruit combos: Banana-Mango-Passion Fruit, Banana-Apple-Cinnamon and Banana and Strawberry. Available in storable #10 cans, these clean, lab-verified comfort foods are sure to last for years when stored properly in a cool, dark place away from heat and sunlight.

 Superfood supplements

Dietary supplements are designed to help you meet your daily nutritional needs. Despite an adequate food supply, some people fail to get sufficient amounts of certain nutrients from their diet. If you or a family member has this problem, then having a supply of dietary supplements in your survival pantry might come in handy when SHTF.

To help you maintain optimal nutrition, the Health Ranger Store proudly offers clean, lab-verified chlorella and spirulina supplements in tablet and powder forms. One of the world's most nutritionally complete superfoods, spirulina is a microscopic freshwater alga that contains more iron than raw spinach and more protein than beef, poultry and fish.

Choose from three different spirulina products for your survival stockpile: Health Ranger Select Spirulina 500mg Tablets, Health Ranger Select Spirulina Powder and Hawaiian Spirulina Cold Pressed 500mg Tablets. All three are lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology and come in #10 cans for long-term storage.

Often referred to as “Nature’s Perfect Food” due to its well-balanced ratio of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, chlorella is a unicellular microalga that can help you boost your nutrient intake. Chlorella, in its natural form, has a tough cell wall that makes it difficult to digest, which is why we have created a "thin cell wall" chlorella to help you enjoy this superfood’s nutritional benefits with ease.

Choose from three different chlorella products for your survival stockpile: Health Ranger Select Clean Chlorella™ Tablets, Health Ranger Select Organic Clean Chlorella Powder and Health Ranger Select Clean Chlorella™ Powder. They are all extensively lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology and also come in #10 cans.

You can find all of these organic emergency storable foods at this link.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any diseases.


[1] https://www.heart.org/

[2] https://www.emetabolic.com/

[3] https://www.healthline.com/

[4] https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/

[5] https://www.ivins.com

[6] https://www.mayoclinic.org/

[7] https://www.nature.com/articles/

[8] https://www.scripps.org

[9] https://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/

[10] https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/

[11] https://thesurvivalmom.com/