This supplement is better than any other omega fish oil supplement I have come across. The ratios of the different omegas are great. I won’t buy any other product but this one!
Thank you for the feedback!
My family eats this 3x a week. Very tasty and clean product.
Thank you for the feedback!
I knew as soon as I tried the glasses on, I paid for a good product. The longer I wore it, the better it got. I like that it is light and so comfortably designed. My eyes feel so much better with the glasses on especially that I am on my computer for hours on end. It is supposed to protect my eyes from the blue light, but it also prevents my eyes from feeling so dry.
We appreciate the feedback!
I've been taking for over a month to supplement a deficiency. It's made a significant improvement in how I feel.
That is truly wonderful to hear!
Almost every prepper channel says one statement which I think is probably true: As soon as the first nuke goes off in the middle east, ukraine or anywhere, you won't be able to buy these IOSAT tablets, or they will be outrageously expensive. Prudence dictates every family get a packet now for under $20 (I think I paid ~$18 per pack; contains 3 packs) while they last and are affordable. I also gave a pack to my parents and sister because they've never heard of this thing called "prepping".
We really appreciate your valuable feedback